10 April 2015

Close Encounter of the Fifth Kind - It's Time For All of Us to Openly Acknowledge the Truth

The Citizen's Hearing was a call to awareness of extra terrestrial contact, and amazingly despite the magnitude of the event, it was ignored by major media outlets.

"April 29 to May 3, 2013 researchers, activists, and military/agency/political witnesses representing ten countries gave testimony in Washington, DC to six former members of the United States Congress about events and evidence indicating an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.

The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure was an unprecedented event in terms of size, scope and the involvement of former members of the U. S. Congress. With over 30 hours of testimony from 40 witnesses over five days  The event was the most concentrated body of evidence regarding the extraterrestrial subject ever presented to the press and the general public at one time." (Id.)

Here is a highlights collection of YouTube clips of the hearing. I think the full hearing is worth watching. People everywhere are waking up. Think about it.  We have an international panel of 40 witnesses give detailed testimony for 30 hours with documenting evidence and first hand experiences of a massive coverup.  Not a peep from the press.  Forget for a moment why they didn't cover it.  It doesn't matter. They've lost the readerships' trust by deciding not to cover it at all.

This constitutes the biggest event in the history of humanity and not a word from the press? EVERY aspect of life, including our cosmologies, could be more enlightened.  The enrichment from cultural exchange, advancing technology for human purposes.  Not only do we have that before our doorstep now, we've had it there for a long time.  Apparently this had already been going on in secret.  The United States and then other countries were exploiting the technological gains in campaigns to bulk up their military power in the growing number of international conflicts.  The very technologies we use to kill and exercise dominion over other humans could have been used to feed the hungry of the world, provide electricity for no cost, and eliminate dependence on fossil fuels.

We must be our own journalists, careful filterers, and critical analysts of news from now on.  John Podesta, former Counselor to President Obama apparently stated this on his Twitter account, "Finally, my biggest failure of 2014: Once again not securing the #disclosure of the UFO files..."

28 March 2015

Unlocking DNA With Sacred Geometry - The Ancients Knew

For someone who might be awakened to a new way of living, thinking, and feeling.... I'm pretty confused.  This detailed video helped me and can help those of you who feel similarly.  The mathematical and philosophical underpinnings are described.

Geometric creation and the patterns of creation.

From YouTube:
Published on Feb 1, 2015.  According to Stephen Skinner, the study of sacred geometry has its roots in the study of nature, and the mathematical principles at work therein. Many forms observed in nature can be related to geometry, for example, the chambered nautilus grows at a constant rate and so its shell forms a logarithmic spiral to accommodate that growth without changing shape. Also, honeybees construct hexagonal cells to hold their honey. These and other correspondences are sometimes interpreted in terms of sacred geometry and considered to be further proof of the natural significance of geometric forms.

26 March 2015

No Cut, No Blood Surgery and Levitation... With Sound!

Brain tumor.  Nerve lesions.  Maybe one day we will adopt this sound wave method of treatment. It sounds incredible.  A scalpel and a top class surgeon or a good sound wave blast?

Lifted awareness, mass becomes incidental.

Free Energy - Why Bleed For Oil? Why Sweat For Heat?

Humans.  If we were featured in a nature documentary, the narrator would comment on our habit of war.  How we fight savagely over the perceived scarcity of resources.  Often these are sources of energy.  Imagine what we might be able to do if we knew a way to get free power without pollution, even after a grid failure. Wow.

The bizarre thing is that humans have had the technology for so called "free energy," but it sat around.  Conventional physics provided that a system with a greater energy output than input is not possible.  Supposedly, it would violate the second law of thermodynamics. That was shown not to be the case.

Here's a presentation showing how many ways we've figured out how to get free energy.

Zero-state entropy is the concept behind the curtain.  If we have a system without any energy, all the particles should be still.  It makes sense that nothing moves in a system without energy.  But what about mass that moves even without energetic input?

Check out this great site with technical links and explanationsHere's how to build one.

25 March 2015

Physics, Energy, Waves, Sounds, and... Einstein

I discovered recently that Albert Einstein had a keen interest in music.

I guess it should not have surprised me given his view of the universe.  Matter, energy, and light are all part of a grand equation hinting at their interrelated nature.  His deductions of the outwardly observable universe helped us understand the nature of waves and their role in carrying energy.

What travels in waves? Light, sound, heat, microwave, tides, infrared, X-ray, ultraviolet light, television & radio signals, and seismic energy to name a few. Most significantly to us, because of human limitations to perceiving wave energy -  music. 

"If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music." 

Matter (the physical world), as suggested by Einstein and as we have come to understand it, has a unique relationship with sound. Sound and light (light expressed as 'c' in the E=mc(^2) equation), are perhaps different manifestations of the same energy.  Light waves are more easily manipulated than we once thought.

Consider the amount of energy required to shatter glass through kinetic means versus the amount of energy coming from a little speaker playing the right note.  Resonant tones have the ability to affect bonds at a molecular level - something even civil engineering must account for.

So what frequencies and sounds affect humans? Well, obviously music as we commonly understand it plays a huge role in our lives and moods. But what sounds affect us on this material level that Einstein and physics hints at.  Here's a fascinating theory which attempts to answer that question

20 March 2015

Happy Equinox, A Special Day Today

Hello Earth People.  Happy Equinox.  I love you all.


हैलो पृथ्वी के लोगहैप्पी विषुवमैं आप सभी से प्यार करता हूं।.

Привет земле люди. Счастливый равноденствия. Я вас всех люблю.

It's not going to come crashing down in the manner of a fiery sulfuric Armageddon.  At least I don't think it is.  But either way, today's rare astronomical occurrences are a nice way to mark the time, to remember that we as a people/species have survived through comets, plagues, nuclear weapons, famine, and war.  Our fragile carbon bodies cling to a watery rock cruising through space. 


Sunset over SF

Today, let's think about our struggles through thousands of years as a species and be thankful for where we are. Let's be, feel, and desire new experience and evolution. Let's be reminded about the fragility of life, the coldness of space, and the warmth we have when we contribute to a common love and our common consciousness.

"A spring equinox supermoon and solar eclipse will make March 20 a rare “double event,” said George Ward of Thanet Astronomy Group to Mirror Online. The supermoon occurs when the earth and moon are as close as they can be.  That “celestial phenomenon” is like a crown jewel in a tetrad of “blood moons” that fall on the biblical appointed times [moedim] of Genesis 1:14 says Dr. Richard Ruhling, author on Bible prophecy."  Webwire. Today's equinox is in an apparently rarer series, given that each event falls on an Abrahamic holiday.

The equinox is equally important to other cultures, including our megalith building friends all over the world.  "Germanic tribes associated it with the fertility goddess Ostara. The Mayans of Central America still gather at the pyramid at Chichen Itza which was designed to produce a "serpent" shadow on the Spring Equinox. The Ancient Saxons held a feast day for their version of the fertility goddess, Eostre, on the full moon following the Vernal Equinox. . . .   symbols of spring, rebirth, and fertility we reinforce our connection to humanity's past."  http://spiritualhumanism.org/solequin.phphttp://spiritualhumanism.org/solequin.php

19 March 2015

Let Me Turn Those Amino Acids On Turbo. Maximum Overdrive.

Wait until the rest of our codons are activated.  Okay, here's the full length film (nearly 4 hours) but watch it in chunks.  I can't tell you how much the theory resonated with me.

Shape of Torus!
Mind opening and life changing perspective change.
Sound of Torus!

18 March 2015

Now We Sit Quietly Without Fear

So this common consciousness - it's the innate sense of goodness that we understand even when we are young.  It is the desire to see others smile.  It's at the center of the long lasting and decent cultures, religions, and families of the world.  It satisfies fully and joins us in One.

I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter to Universe - an infinitely creative and encompassing energy - whether you regard it as God or by another name.

With all the negative posts, I would like to share some meditation music that has been quiet pleasant to have on even in the background.

If we all look out for each other, things will be okay.  Indulge me, and have a meditation, prayer, exercise, or whatever to this and think about what we have in common and is beautiful in humanity (skip the ad).  This is our hope - and if there is none, it is our dignity.

Photo by S.Sh.

15 March 2015

The Yin Yang Has Nothing to Do With Duality - It is Unity

Duality is a myth, a construct that limits.  The Yin Yang has been co-opted into this mythology of dualism, this Hegelian dialectic.  The Yin Yang is an ancient understanding of the nature of the Universe and Consciousness, an expression of expansion and contraction in harmony, of our world as seen from a higher dimension. Familiarize yourself with the torus - the perfect shape with limitless kinetic energy even when at rest (as a matter of entropy).

Then, see how the Yin Yang represents the UNITY of universes, knowledge, self, and existence.


Reblogging "The Biocrystal"

I've been trying to put into words this new understanding of self that merges the biological being with the thinking mind.  This concept of the Biocrystal does it better than I could.  Andreas Bjerve gently dismantles the presuppositions of our mind and explains in intuitive, logical, and geometric terms the nature of consciousness as a product of space and not vice-versa.  Excellent post, excellent writing.

Thought Experiments - The Matrix, The Illuminati,on of the Sun, and the Shape of the Earth

I've always liked doing thought experiments, and lately, these concepts have captivated me.  Try watching the links and thinking about these.  Whether you accept them or not, just considering larger perspectives can help the mind.

The Idea? The Sun Will Never Run Out.  
Why? Because the entire model of our existence has been misunderstood. So what's the answer? It's electric.  This one seems pretty convincing to me.  Could have a deep impact (good info despite the presumption that scientists are all "he" by the writers)

The Idea? We're Really in the Matrix.
The perceptions we observe may well be coming from an artificial source. Suppose we could take our brain out of our body and keep it alive in a glass jar. Put a computer in which all kinds of information can be recorded. Transmit the electrical signals of all the data related to a setting such as image, sound and smell into this computer. Connect this computer to the sensory centers in our brain with electrodes and send the pre-recorded data to our brain. As our brain perceives these signals it will see and live the setting correlated with these.

The Idea? The Earth's Not in the Shape We Want It In.
Flat Earth?! Hahaha.... okay wait.  I decided to be try to understand and be compassionate, and I've got genuine curiosity.  You'll have to ignore the semi-epic music in the following clip, but can anyone answer the questions posed about Polaris seeming not to move despite Earth wobbles?  Or why we can see light across the ocean during a sunset when we're tangential to the sun? Another explanation?


13 March 2015

How Do You Know It's Not Contagious, If You Don't Know How It Infects?

Has anyone noticed the apparent dissonance between something we're commonly told by doctors or public health officials? Maybe someone out there can help me understand how would you know if something isn't contagious, if you don't know how people get it?
I'm doing some research on disease, and I notice that practically the entire suite of autoimmune diseases in humans, are described as "not contagious." If that's true, I'm thankful.  There is not much in the way of studies or substantive discussion though.  It seems like burgeoning theories are discouraged by established members of the institution, dotting the journal landscape with arguments boiling down to,

"There's no definitive proof that..."
"Debunking the [theory]," or

 I'm all for vigorous debate, but I'd rather our public health institutions start communicating with doctors and researchers who are at least coming up with theories rather than spending their time only disproving others.

Our True History. We Want Our Future Back.

To get our future back, we must reclaim it together.  We must bring as much loving kindness back to our world. So much of it that our world resonates with this collective feeling.  Our electromagnetic frequency affects even the Earth, but we must listen and join in harmony.

The shape of the torus.

Meditate or pray when you can.  Science and religion both understand that sincere state of mind as important.  Relax everything, feel the connection you have in person and through your time on our planet, open yourself for others who need to connect.  You are all so wonderful and worth so much more.

Thanks to those who put healing intentions up there for me.

You Are the Most Powerful Being in the Universe

We are all one, sharing in one world.  Our world is a direct response to our common imagination.
Conflict and violence cause dissonance and the physical manifestation accommodates the anger . In my name, my government has bombed, shot, raped, tortured, occupied, and robbed.  I have opposed it, and I come here to apologize for not doing enough and not seeing enough.  I am an American citizen, asking for your forgiveness. People of the Earth must be united.  We need everyone's help to change this world in every way.  Our existence, our history, our language, and our love may face extinction.

Rise Up.  Be Smart.  Defend Your Neighbor.  Love Your Neighbor.

I shouldn't have dismissed New World Order / Illuminati "conspiracy theorists," out of hand.  I apologize for not trying to look at our differing opinions.  I wish I would have examined all the data before recently.

Niemöller's famous quotation:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

I've wondered what I would do.  You guys may be right about a big change.  I'm not sure.  We're probably taught to notice the outward differences.  I'm a left wing liberal.  I've been a vegetarian for 23 years.  I live in San Francisco... etc.  That thought germinates and allows us to look the other way when murder happens just because it happened far away.  If anything does happen, I don't want Niemoller's quote to describe the Americans too because I feel strongly about some orderly pluralism.

On the day they come for Christians - is the day I become a Christian.
On the day they come for Conservatives - is the day I become a Conservative.
On the day they come for Workers Unions - is the day I become a Unionist.
On the day they come for children - is the day I become everyone's parent.

We Are All Neighbors, and We Will All Stand Up For Each Other.

Why are we all awakening at once to feel our common bond? To understand both a multidimensional and time-space version of reality? We are in receipt of our abilities. Whatever you think about it, it is upon us to carry humanity's evolution into the higher energetic state. 

I am not sure how many people have also felt a drastic change 

Our power as a species lies (why did you lie to yourself?) in the field we create when we act and think in accord with our ideal selves. As individuals, we are vulnerable and weak.  Together, we can move a planet with just our thoughts.  We need to protect the Earth who has protected us until now.  This is probably against the desired future orthodoxy. 

Sound Resonates, Matter Vibrates, the Answer Shakes Out

It really is mind over matter

At the borders on a subatomic level, mass and energy flux.

Have you seen the lab demonstration with salt to see how particles respond to energies at specific frequencies?  This reality on Earth sitting in a multidimesional nexus prevents uprising.  Molecules react to the wave energy in sound.


Having to Discuss Genetic Experiments in This Way?


Heavy Metal in the Air Planned for HAARP Weather Based Arms

Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2013 Nov 15;3:79. doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2013.00079. eCollection 2013.
Metal-dependent gene regulation in the causative agent of Lyme disease.

12 March 2015

Coincidence Is Possible. My "Eye Studies" Before Learning About the Illuminati Catch Me Off Guard

Hi Friends.

I hope you are well.  

I was thumbing through some old artwork.  I went through a pencil drawing phase last year.  While I was checking out the metadata, I got curious about what else was happening in the world. Make what you want of it. 

4/19/2014 -- Multiple 7.0M+ events -- Major Earthquake unrest showing Globally.

A Picture I Drew for My Mom... with some other crap I wrote.

Oxford Physicist Believes In a World Beyond the Immediate Material One

This description of the Platonist appeals to me:

Oxford physicist Roger Penrose differs again. He believes that mathematics suggests there is a world beyond the immediate, material one.
Spider in moonlight
Can science explain all of life's meaning?

Ask yourself this question: would one plus one equal two even if I didn't think it? The answer is yes. Would it equal two even if no-one thought it? Again, presumably, yes. 

Would it equal two even if the universe didn't exist? That is more tricky to contemplate, but again, there are good grounds for a positive response.

Penrose, therefore, argues that there is what can be called a Platonic world beyond the material world that "contains" mathematics and other abstractions.

Science and Religion Merge to Answer the Question

Energy needs no name, but humanity gives it many.  It is always in us because of our bodily architecture.  I was the last person to believe in a spiritual energy, but I understand it now.  I reached my understanding by different means.  Science is not in itself misleading.  We can be misled by what appears to be science.  Remember that matter is energy.

Physics and religious views coincide much more than we thought.  After smashing a lot of particles in accelerators, there is agreement that the body, our matter, is a construction of energy.  A resonating string, a soul, whatever.  Let's forget about naming it for a moment, and just contemplate this fact.  If 3-dimensional time-space is a construct of interacting waves and energy, we individually have tremendous power to alter the world and those around us.

"A prize-winning quantum physicist says a spiritual reality is veiled from us, and science offers a glimpse behind that veil. So how do scientists investigating the fundamental nature of the universe assess any role of God, asks Mark Vernon."

Reblog: CDC caught in billion-dollar scheme to sell vaccines - Jon Rappoport

I like that his sources about the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) are available.  Rappoport is transparent, why won't the CDC have a real conversation about these very serious implications?

"CDC caught in billion dollar scheme to sell vaccines." Rappoport, Jon.

Looking at  his sources, do you agree with him? I recommend taking a look.

Who has a stake in an Ebola vaccine? What if it were to break out in the U.S.?
Where is the CDC on this? It looks like the CDC may have been taking advantage of these Ebola outbreaks to bypass rules on human medical experimentation. We are better than this.

As I browsed through the documents, something popped out - the "US Military HIV Research Program" are conducting tests on an experimental Ebola vaccine on healthy humans in Uganda.  Why does the military have an HIV Research Program and why are they now studying Ebola.  Why does it refer to Ebola strains as "arms"?

Faking the Magnetic Pole Shift by Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating

I guess the United States has known how to manipulate the magnetic field for awhile.  This patent seems to have lurked without being noticed for awhile. 
"Method and apparatus for creating an artificial electron cyclotron heating region of plasma."
US 4712155 A.  "The radiation is deliberately transmitted at the outset in a direction substantially parallel to and along the artificial field line which extends upwardly through the region of plasma to be altered. The radiation is transmitted at a frequency which is based on the cyclotron or gyrofrequency of the charged particles and which, when applied to the plasma is said at least one region."
Here's the kicker - we've artificially moved the magnetic poles around a long time ago.  Maybe they're doing it now.  Keep in mind that this patent, filed in 1985, uses the past tense:

"Electron cyclotron resonance heating has been used in experiments on the earth’s surface to produce and accelerate plasmas in a diverging magnetic field.  Kosmahl et al. showed that power was efficiently transferred from the electromagnetic waves and that a fully ionized plasma was accelerated with a divergence angle of roughly 13 degrees."

It's All Upside Down... I Believe in Chemtrail GeoEngineering?

I wish I would have bothered to look for myself earlier.  Chemtrails... it just sounded far fetched.

Video footage of NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab. outing themselves.
Some of the better video footage that I think you should see. on this issue.

33 Degree Masonry Tries for 360 Degree Vision

So, uh, this organization assembled a list of patents showing how long we've had certain technologies.  If there are any Freemasonry or Free Mason researchers, out there, take note of the 33 degree and 13 measurements for this radiation-free nuclear contraption.  I don't get it- Fukushima didn't have to happen?

First, You See the Power of the Mind

Well produced basic education on how the mind works - modern researchers are cracking a fascinating aspect of the subconscious mind.

Okay, NASA lied and faked us out. What to do now?

There are others making discoveries that turn long held ideas of our reality - many disturbing.  Here are a few examples.  If you know these things already, skip to the asterisks.

Did NASA trick the public? I don't  have a good answer for what he presents as evidence of NASA fraud.  His explanation uses comparisons of videos and is quite compelling. 

Why does it seem like the government is lying about Osama Bin Laden's death? Associated Press reports, Wikileaks, and InfoWars all reported his death years earlier? Was I not paying attention?  I had to ask myself whether it was possible that elements of the government were using his identity as propoganda.  (Keep in mind as you watch that Spice is sold commonly in convenience stores in the U.S.)

Metals in the atmosphere in aerosol form? What? Humans are being tested on? I must have been asleep not to notice this.

My awareness continues to expand as does my desire to reach the world with a pure intention to turn fear into love. For those who haven't begun the process themselves, just remember that you're going to feel pretty horrified about what you're learning. I'll walk you through the process, but I want to say this first.

Do not worry, we are in this together.  You are my sisters and brothers, and I am with you.  We are all with you.  The most important thing to know is this: inside all of  us is the limitless power of the mind. 

Thought exists - we experience this.  But where are thoughts in space time? They project somewhere else - beyond our senses - and our minds do this.  What if you were to send ALL of your thoughts on this trajectory? We must help each other, raise consciousness. 

Your friend,

Phil Schneider Sounds Credible

I want us to reach a common consciousness as soon as we can.  Phil Schneider got shot after he disclosed American involvement in so called black projects.  He started disclosing America covering up of alien contact and vowed further disclosures until he suffered an untimely death.

What moved me most was that he says that he understood his life was in danger.  He was shot in the shoulder once but remained undeterred.  Watch this guy... there's no way he's any kind of actor.  Remember, this blog is about accepting other people's realities, and discovering the nature of the dissonance.

Let's, as a matter of mental exercise, watch this.  Whether or not you agree, let's talk.  

Did Canada's Government Have a Flying Saucer Program?

There is a proliferation of alien, UFO, E.T., etc. phenomenon, and I am posting some of the more interesting ones I've seen.

Here's strong evidence that Canadians have been deceived by their government as well. Wow.  Very interesting stuff.

Dr. Greer Testifies to United States' Conspiracy of Alien Contact

This is what made me really start rethinking my worldview.

Dr. Greer testifies under oath in hearing about how the United States government will (or will not) disclose the extent of their interactions with alien, extra-terrestrial life.    

Here's a longer clip of the hearing.

We have a public that fears ridicule to even approach the subject - that appears to be by design.  Do you wonder why this wasn't covered in the press?

Harmonious frequencies - Talk about your experience here.

I am ill with a late stage neurologically degenerative disease. Conventional medicine indicates my life expectancy has likely decreased.  As the illness progress and dementia becomes a possibility, I feel compelled to write.

Whatever this is, it is cathartic to write it, and I like the idea of my message in a bottle, cast out into the Sea. Maybe it will reach our common Understanding through its shadow, the Internet. It goes where it will, maybe undiscovered in chaos.  Maybe someone in the future, or wherever, will chance upon it, and I'll have an echoing ripple. 

With my health as it is, I peer over the edge of my Earthly existence and ask the most fundamental questions about existence and the nature of consciousness - questions I've asked myself since I can remember.  My worldview/ philosophy/ cosmology has morphed many times, but nothing has been as dramatic as the most recent change.

This process has helped me evolve into a better person lately.
My gaze is wider.  I have a desire to see everyone do well.   I am trying to repair what damage I have done in my life.  I enjoy learning about the outward ripples of my good deeds. 

I am no longer afraid of death.

Still, I want to fight and survive with you all.  I understand now that I have billions of brothers and sisters and countless more who happened to occupy a different time, and I regret that I don't get to know you all.  

The realm of politics, mass media, and violent conflicts somehow elevated our differences in my mind.  I am aware and saddened that I sometimes allowed this to overcome an innate desire to empathize.  Healing will happen when more people realize just how extraordinarily connected we are.  Differences are simply the complement to oneself.

I want to contribute to the healing, and for what time I have, long or short, I'll do just that.  If you have experienced changes and have some of these fundamental questions, I am asking that you comment because when you do, we all benefit.  

Also, I really like getting comments. The idea of using the Internet to effect global change quickly appeals to me, but it's easy to forget that each node is another person, another consciousness.  Please be respectful.

To anyone in a personal or existential crisis, I apologize that my outreach couldn't be more personal.  I do firmly believe that we are all in it together, and it makes me feel badly to think anyone suffers this in solitude.  So please, reach out to who you need to, and you can always email me.  Whether you know it or not, we are friends. 

Take care,

You are free to copy or use any part of my blog as long as it is not for commercial purposes.  Please attribute it and let me know.  Thanks!